
Make money by sending email(Email Marketing)

You can simply make money by sending email by creating a valuable emails

Hi, friends today iam going to show you how to make money by sending emails @2022 step by step with the real case studies and experience of years working. You can simply make money from emails by creating a valuable email to others about offering other products or giving advice about a specific topic from your niche. This will help you to grow your online business and you can impress your audience with quality emails.

Make money by sending email(Email Marketing)

 How does email marketing work?

We have a website now we are building our online business so we also need to build our audience and make money by sending emails email marketing is one of the best ways to increase our audience to do that we need to create an email list. An email list is to have a contact list where you can contact your clients and people any time anywhere so you can make traffic to your website and you can get more sales.


All steps to make money by sending emails

  • Create a lead magnet
  • Build email list 
  • Attaching it on blog

1. Create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is something that peoples or clients attract to subscribe to our email address so you need to build something that people attract. A lead magnet can be anything example: Free book, application, course, and video anything useful and valuable that you can give or offer to people the easiest way to create a valuable lead magnet is a free mini ebook.

To create an ebook you just need to open canva.com search for ebook design and start creating your mini ebook. Now here we have two options to create a free ebook or your own free lead magnet your own or you can go to PLR websites. PLR sites where you can get PLR products (Products that u can reuse).

Open a PLR website and search for free ebooks select a valuable attractive ebook and download it now you can reuse that free ebook anywhere. You can also create free ebooks using blog posts by copying and pasting the blog content to an ebook download it in PDF format. Here we created a lead magnet so let's move to the next step.

2. Build an email list

To make money by sending an email you need an email list so You can simply build an email list by giving something and you can get the email address. To get an email address like this you need to create a valuable product that peoples like you need to promote that product on your websites and social media also by running paid ads using ads networks. I am going to show a method that helps you to build an email list fast.

When we collect emails we won't save them somewhere we want an email marketing service to manage our emails get response is the best email marketing service to check  pricing. Step by step guide to building an email list and setting email marketing service for free

Step 1: After choosing the email marketing service create a funnel of your product choose the right landing page and thankyou page edit yourself or search for a freelancer service. Make sure don't add your product downloading link on the landing page.

Step 2: After editing your funnel's landing page and thank you page you need to upload your Lead magnet. Here we are offering a valuable free ebook as our lead magnet to attract people to subscribe to our email upload it on google drive or other cloud storage to upload it make sure you allow anyone with the link. 

Step 3: Open your email marketing service dashboard navigate to contacts and tags create a new tag ‘Lead Magnet’ save it. After opening automation and rules select the tag that we created before and save it now anyone subscribes to our email we get his email automatically and save it on there.

Now we completed the main step of Building an email list choose our email marketing service and set it now let's move to the next step attaching it to the blog.

3. Attaching it on blog 

We created our attractive lead magnet and set email marketing service, building email next we need to create the popup and attach it to our website to make money by sending emails. To create Pop up you need to open your email marketing dashboard navigate to funnels create a new funnel name it pops up. After creating your pop-up funnel you need to create your pop-up so delete the landing page and click create a step and search for pop-up and save it set up your landing page with your book cover like this.

Make money by sending email(Email Marketing) pop up

Also, create thank you page properly and add a button to the file to get the file for everyone visiting your websites so you will get more downloads and traffic to your online business.Add this popup in to your website open your blog dashboard navigate to edit code and copy the scrip from your funnels page paste the code on Head 1 and save it. Now the popup will appear on your website. Now you can collect an email list and make money by sending emails.